Hey Pot-Heads! I’ve gathered you all here to let you know I’m expanding the offerings for the paid subscribers of Stir the Pot and I’m pretty damn excited. When you invest your hard earned cash with me I want to be sure that you know that you’re getting your money’s worth. Funds are tight for all of us so every single dollar you throw my way means a lot. So as an added benefit to your monthly or yearly subscription to
, I’m starting a very laid back book club. is designed to be a companion project to .Each month, starting in June, we’ll pick a book and read it over the course of the following four weeks. We’ll read a mix of fiction, nonfiction, and even some cookbooks to expand our ideas around food, the environment, home cooking, and our place within it. We’ll vote on the next book together so things stay interesting. We meet once a month online- very low key- and chat about what we’ve read. I wish I could take credit for all of this but I’ll be honest, it was a dear reader’s idea. It never occurred to me that you guys might want to hang out for more than just the recipes. I’m very flattered and look forward to getting to know all you much better. There’s so much crap on the internet why not hang with people who are just trying to be the best they can be in life? I like this little corner we’re building together.
So here is the deal: I don’t want to spam you. If you have a free subscription to Stir the Pot you already get a few emails from me. I don’t want to flood your inbox every week so I’m thinking of sending free subscribers a short bonus email once a month as a collaboration between these two projects. This email will inform you about what’s going on over at the book club, it will contain book recommendations, links to relevant newsletters and essays, and basically anything I think you might be interested in. Who knows, this might push you to make the switch to paid.
For paid subscribers to Stir the Pot, membership to The Supper Book Club is totally free- and totally optional. Just subscribe below to put your name on the list using your special button. You’ll see.
You’ll be able to vote and suggest books and use the threads feature to interact with everyone as we read. Threads for the book club will be specific chat rooms that I set up for each book so we can keep track of discussions and that everyone can participate, regardless of your time zone.
I’ll roll out new features for the book club as we go, but for now I think this is a great start. Between Stir the Pot and
, my goal is to build a community where I’m more like the friend you all have in common rather than the boss in charge. I want us to create a space that let’s you scream out FUCKKKK THISSSS really loud without judgement. Life is hard and we just need a place where we can sit with a glass of whatever, talk a little shit, laugh at the ridiculousness of this world, recommend good food, music, and books- not to mention share tons of pet photos. Food for thought is still food.Want to become a paid subscriber to Stir the Pot and get
for free? Well I threw in a lil discount for you just in case.